pass muster — {v. phr.}, {informal} To pass a test or check up; be good enough. * /After a practice period, Sam found that he was able to pass muster as a lathe operator./ * /His work was done carefully, so it always passed muster./ Compare: MEASURE UP … Dictionary of American idioms
pass muster — {v. phr.}, {informal} To pass a test or check up; be good enough. * /After a practice period, Sam found that he was able to pass muster as a lathe operator./ * /His work was done carefully, so it always passed muster./ Compare: MEASURE UP … Dictionary of American idioms
pass muster — If something passes muster, it meets the required standard … The small dictionary of idiomes
pass muster — ► pass muster be accepted as satisfactory. Main Entry: ↑muster … English terms dictionary
pass muster — pass a test or checkup, be good enough I wrote some of the instructions of the computer manual and will send them to my partner to see if they pass muster … Idioms and examples
pass muster — BE GOOD ENOUGH, come up to standard, come up to scratch, measure up, be acceptable/adequate, fill/fit the bill; informal make the grade, come/be up to snuff. → muster * * * phrasal 1. : to pass an inspection or examination : be found satisfactory … Useful english dictionary
pass\ muster — v. phr. informal To pass a test or check up; be good enough. After a practice period, Sam found that he was able to pass muster as a lathe operator. His work was done carefully, so it always passed muster. Compare: measure up … Словарь американских идиом
pass muster — to be acceptable or satisfactory. The tortillas and tacos we offered for lunch today didn t pass muster with the students. Etymology: based on the military use of the phrase pass muster (= to gather soldiers in a group to show officers they are… … New idioms dictionary
pass muster — If something passes muster, it meets the required standard. (Dorking School Dictionary) *** If someone or something passes muster, they are considered to be satisfactory or acceptable. The interview went well. I hope I ll pass… … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
pass muster — as far as Dean s parents are concerned, I ll never pass muster Syn: be good enough, come up to standard, come up to scratch, measure up, be acceptable/adequate, fill/fit the bill; informal make the grade, come/be up to snuff … Thesaurus of popular words
pass muster — [usually in negatives or questions] to reach the expected or necessary standard The passports are obviously false: they ll never pass muster at Immigration … English dictionary